When it comes to tattoos, there are a lot of misconceptions that are tied to them, but there are plenty of ideas when it comes to the best face tattoos. People often see face tattoos on a person and jump to the conclusion that they are a bad person, but this is not true at all. There are plenty of people who can be as kind as possible and have their bodies covered in tattoos. A tattoo is just simply a way for a person to express who they are more permanent. They get to show everyone what their personality is every day of their life without the worry about matching to their clothes. Even a temporary face tattoo can achieve the same effect.
60 Cool Face Tattoo Designs that Stand Out
While the person must pick out the best design to show who they are, it is also important that the place for the tattoo fits them. Face tattoos have a lot of meaning that comes with them and can really affect a person’s life. Nowadays, face tattoos are seen as a way to intimidate people and also show if they belong to a gang. This was not what they always meant though. A lot of ethnicities did face tattoos as part of the culture. For example, Chinese women used to tattoo their faces to help prevent them from being kidnapped. With the right tattoo artist, you can make facial tattoos truly amazing.
1. Tribal Lines Outlines Full Facial Tattoo
This is a full-face design that consists of a bunch of tribal shapes the line all of the muscle structures on the human face. These shapes are done with simple line outlines with another outline done within the first one. The tattoo artist gave the shapes a unique border-like effect. Getting a face tattoo like this will definitely turn heads.
2. Light Bulb Snake Apple Face Tattoo
There are multiple tattoos all in one area of this design. The main design shown is a very detailed snake that is wrapped around an apple that has been cut in half to reveal the inside of it. There is also a light bulb tattoo that has a candle inside.
3. Old Tattoo Ink Needle Face Tattoo
This is the perfect tattoo for most tattoo artists as it is a tattoo needle. It looks to be an older model, but it is still extremely easy to make out what it is, which says a lot about the person. Tattoo artists tend to get this kind of tattoo.
4. Triple Dots Dagger X Face Tattoo
These tattoos are all small and simple designs while it appears the more detailed designs start on the neck and go down. There is a very simple triangular cluster of three dots at the corner of the eye, a simple dagger by the ear, and an x above the eye.
5. 3D Hidden End Maze Face Tattoo
Some will see this tattoo and just say it is a simple 3D line design, but if one was to look closer, they would see it seems to be laid out like a maze. The facial ink design vanishes into the hairline, which makes it seem like the end is well hidden Due to their complex designs, these face tattoos hurt a little more so make sure to keep that in mind.
6. Skull Cross Bones Rose Face Tattoo
This is another tattoo cluster with each one being unique and standalone. The main what that jumps out is the large mandala design around the top of the ear. There is a simple skull and crossbones design with the number 43 and a single rose in front of the ear.
7. Wild Flowers Leaves Scissors Face Tattoo
There are many different tattoos in this one design area. The first one is the word wild done in a unique font, which is above the eyebrow. Besides the eye are a pair of scissors and a crescent moon. There is also a single rose and another simple flower design.
8. Crossed Stakes Black Rose Face Tattoo
There are two visible tattoos though one is a little harder to see because of facial hair. The first design is too simple stakes that are crossed to form an x shape. Within the beard hairline in front of the ear, there is a simple rose and thorns tattoo design.
9. This Is Art Words Face Tattoo
This is one of the simplest design options that could be picked from, but the person is clearly trying to make some kind of statement. Above the eyebrow is the words this is art, which does not say much yet says a lot. By getting a face tattoo like this, they seem to be making a statement.
10. Decorative August Over Eyebrow Face Tattoo
This is an extremely simple yet not classic tattoo design. By this, it means that there is only one part to the design, but that one part is extremely detailed. It appears to be the word August but done in a very decorative and detailed style of font with extras.
11. Samoan Tribal Family Lines Face Tattoo
The top part of these traditional tribal tattoos is different from the lower half, which is done to represent the family. Each line in a Samoan tattoo has a meaning tied to the family. The top lines are solid while the bottom of the tattoo is not solid at all.
12. Unknown Words Small Cross Face Tattoo
There are some words in this cluster of tattoos that are done in such a fancy font it is hard to make out what they say. There is also a small cross at the top corner of the ear. The other part appears to be spikes wrapped in thorny vines. Getting a face tattoo like this will definitely turn heads.
13. Tribal Celtic Knot Lines Face Tattoo
This design is a very unique one that has a tribal yet Celtic feel to the tattoo. It appears to be tribal as there are curved lines of different types of design, which is common in tribal, but some of the designs have an almost Celtic knot look to them.
14. Bullet and Odd Symbol Face Tattoo
These are two of the most simple face tattoo design ideas that can say confusing things about the person. The first tattoo design is a single bullet right in front of the ear, which can come off as violent. The other much smaller tattoo is some kind of cross-like symbol.
15. Simple Hand Written Faith Face Tattoo
This tattoo is another one that is very simple but has a lot of meaning packed into it. It might only be the word faith, but it says a lot about the person because it is where everyone can see it. It also is handwritten, which makes it more personal.
16. Words of Faith Gangster Face Tattoo
There are so many tattoos running together in this design with a lot of background filler to make them all seem like one design. A lot of the tattoos appear to be words that have a meaning to the person, but there are also gang-related symbols in the whole mix.
17. Half Face Tribal Lines Face Tattoo
This is a tattoo design that looks unfinished but could be finished. It might only cover half of the person’s face, but it could be that that is all they wanted to be done. The tribal on the nose lends to this idea as it looks finished not completely open.
18. Double Stakes Unknown Word Face Tattoo
There appear to be two stakes coming out of the hairline and headed towards the eye, but these are not the only tattoos in this cluster. There is also a set of initials right beside the eye and a word that is hard to make out due to the font.
19. Hangers Noose War Inside Face Tattoo
Three different face tattoos are shown and each one is unique and by itself, meaning spread out. The first one is a set of words that go across the person’s forehead. One is the number 3 by the corner of the eye, and there is a hangman’s noose by the ear. Getting a face tattoo such as this will make people remember you.
20. Shaded Skull Roman Numerals Face Tattoo
There are a lot of different tattoos that are all clustered together with some standing out more than others. There is a lightly colored skull that is very detailed. By the skull is a set of roman numerals, and in front of the ear is the word blessed written uniquely.
21. Tons of Random Lines Face Tattoo
The tattoo that is shown covers more than just the face as it seems to be one continuous design. The design is made up of what appears to be a bunch of random slashing, overlapping lines and create a unique and crazy-looking design all over one side of the face.
22. Mandela Open Mouth Wolf Face Tattoo
Numerous face tattoos are clustered together that do not really blend into one design. The major one is a large wolf with its mouth open in a growl. There appears to be a word, and there is a detailed mandala design on the lower jaw area.
23. Geometric Tribal Squares Line Face Tattoo
The tattoo design show seems to be inspired by the traditional Samoan designs but is not a part of them. The design is very geometric and does not follow the traditional lines used in tribal face tattoos. There are a lot of geometric shapes used in this design, not as natural.
24. Hidden Cursed and Dagger Face Tattoo
There is an oddly shown dagger that appears to have a section of it missing as if it is in the skin. There is the word cursed wrote in a detailed font, and it is done in a section that has hair, which makes it seem like it is hidden.
25. Bleeding Moon and Scythe Face Tattoo
The main design is very unique and darkly themed. It has a scythe like the grim reaper would have as well as a crescent moon. Both have the look of dripping blood. This is what helps give the dark look to the design as well as the colors used. Getting a face tattoo like that could be challenging for people with sensitive skin.
26. Key Heart Beat Mandela Face Tattoo
Just about the whole face is covered in a bunch of random tattoos with some standing out more than others. There are two that stand out the most, one on each cheek, and these are a heartbeat and a skeleton key. There is also a detailed mandala on the forehead.
27. Unknown Word Plus Signs Face Tattoo
There are two different face tattoos worded into one face ink. The first one is an unknown word that is done in a font making it hard to read. The other one is a bunch of little plus signs, and some of these plus signs look like they go behind the word.
28. Tribal Lines Important Words Face Tattoo
There are some light lines in this popular tattoo that are shaped reminiscent of tribal lines but are not done like a tribal design. Otherwise, there are a bunch of words done in different styles of font with some sharing a font, showing those shared words are tied to each other.
29. Thick Lines Thin Lines Face Tattoo
This is a very unique and popular tattoo that gives the face more dimension. There is a set of simple lines going down the chin like a goatee. There is also a set of lines that curve from in front of the ear down to the middle of the jaw. If you are looking for something unique, consider getting a face tattoo like this.
30. Modern Sharp Dark Lines Face Tattoo
This face tattoo is a unique one that must have a meaning to the person but will seem odd to other people looking at it. It is a design made up of a cluster of dark and sharp lines going in just about every possible direction all around the ear.
31. Small Cross Beside Eye Face Tattoo
The majority of the tattoos appear to be on the neck and going down, but there are still some on the face and head. The one visible on the face is a very small cross right beside the eye. Otherwise, there is a mandala on the back of the skull.
32. Multiple Weird Snake Creatures Face Tattoos
This tattoo appears to be all done on the top of the head as well as the back of the head. Not all of the designs can be seen, but the parts that can be seen make this look like a very unique design. There are snake-like creatures all over.
33. Japanese Crane Hints Red Face Tattoos
This face tattoo is inspired by traditional Japanese art because of what is in it. A detailed crane is standing around the ear with a bit of red on its head. There is also a red moon behind the crane, which spots of red are very traditional in Japanese art.
34. Long Faded Tribal Lines Face Tattoo
This tattoo continues down off the face, and it has a very tribal look. The lines flow like what can be found in a tribal tattoo but do not follow the traditional tribal lines. It covers part of the ear before going down the neck but covers a lot more.
35. Shaded Double Flower Vine Face Tattoo
This is a simple black tattoo that a lot of details added to it through shading. It consists of two flowers that are joined together through some vines. The tattoo is designed to take up one side of the face, and the top flower is bigger than the lower one.
36. Red Rose Golden Leaves Face Tattoo
This is a very beautiful face tattoo of a flower done in a very unique manner. It appears to be a rose, but it could be something similar to a rose. The leaves around the plant are a golden color while the flower is a hombre red with fanned petals.
37. Unknown Word Tipi Outline Face Tattoos
Two different face tattoos can be seen and both are very simple. The first appears to be a simple Native American tipi and is just an outline, which is located at the corner of the eye. The other tattoo is above the eyebrow and is a word in a small font.
38. Paint Brush Wavy Devotion Face Tattoo
The first tattoo is right at the corner of the eye and seems to be a simple black paintbrush. Above the eyebrow on the other hand is a tattoo of the word devotion, which is done in a very unique and detailed font that gives off tough and gothic appeal.
39. Barbwire Sword Cards Bunny Face Tattoo
There are many different and simple face tattoos in this design. These tattooed are barbed wire across the forehead, sword in front of the ear, words always tired under the eyes, and words stay away above the eyebrow. There are also two playing cards, a playboy head, and a dead emoji.
40. Triple Flower Leaves Vine Face Tattoo
This whole tattoo looks like it was done using henna, which is not a permanent tattoo. The main part is a cluster of three flowers with some unique leaves and vines moving away from them, like in a paisley style. This means lots of lines and random dots are used.
41. Flower Vines Unknown Word Face Tattoo
This image is not an easy one to see, but it is clear that there is a word above the eyebrow that cannot be made out because of the font used and the size of the word. There is also a flower and vine design in front of the ear.
42. Floral Mandela Flower Skull Face Tattoo
The main tattoo in this design is a giant flower-inspired mandala design that takes up the whole top of the skull and has a lot of details and sections to it. There are also several different kinds of flowers shown as well over part of the mandala on the back.
43. Lupus Word Sword Tattoo
This sword face tattoo has three different tattoos all sitting together and do not look like they match each other. The first one is the word lupus with extra flairs around it, and there is a sword face tattoo in front of the ear with a small ankh by it.
44. Gothic Harsh Lines Black Face Tattoo
This is a very unique face tattoo that could be a lot of different things. It is a bold black design that has sharp lines in a gothic feel. The shape puts one in mind of a leaf with its parts spread out wide, but it could be something else.
45. Anchor Floral Unknown Word Face Tattoo
This is another face tattoo that is really just a cluster of tattoos are sitting close together. The first one is a boat anchor, which is located right in front of the ear. Above is an unknown word, curved to the shape of the eyebrow with a flower above it.
46. Floral Heart Diamond Beauty Face Tattoo
Many different random face tattoos are making up the design. On the forehead, there is a flower tattoo with hidden parts to the design. Below the eyes are the word beauty and a small heart. There is also a diamond at the corner of one eye, but there are many more.
47. Floral Arrow Feathers Vine Face Tattoo
The main tattoo that can be seen is a floral design right in front of the ear. The flower is set to appear like it is growing out of the ear with vines growing out from it. There also appears to be the end of an arrow under the flower. Any tattoo artist would love this project.
48. Edgar Allan Poe Nevermore Face Tattoo
A very gothic font is used on this face tattoo but there is another part to it as well that is not a word. The word is located above the eyebrow and is the word nevermore from Edgar Allan Poe, but there is also a crescent moon above the moon.
49. Gothic Tribal Face Length Face Tattoo
The lines are very gothic in appearance with how dark and harsh the lines are in them. The lines are also somewhat reminiscent of tribal lines with the way they are shaped but with extra flair. There appears to be a word hidden in the lines that cannot be read.
50. Hair-Line Tribal Flower Leaves Face Tattoo
This tattoo design is very hard to see because of where it is located. It is done within the hairline and right at the hairline, which means part of it cannot be seen because of the person’s hair. It appears to be nature-inspired with leaves and vines and a flower.
51. Electronic Circuit Computer System Face Tattoo
This face tattoo is very electronic in appearance and appears to be the insides of a computer circuit board. This means there is a lot of wires and chips altogether and goes towards the face and down the neck. All of it is done in just black without any shading.
52. Hombre Gradient Flower Mandela Face Tattoo
This tattoo takes up the majority of the forehead area and is a unique mandala design. The design is done in hombre tones of black and almost looks like a flower. There is also some series of dots located above the eyebrow and below the eye all done in black.
53. Native American Viking Wolf Face Tattoo
There are a lot of tattoos all laid on top of each other with just a few of them being shown. The main one that jumps out is a wolf with its mouth open. Coming out of the mouth is two Native American arrows with arrowheads on their very ends.
54. Henna Floral Face Framing Face Tattoo
These facial tattoos are all done in a very soft manner that makes them look very feminine. Right in front of the ear is a lace-inspired mandala design, and the rest of the design goes up from it all the way to the forehead area done in the same style.
55. Gradient Hombre Flower Mandela Face Tattoo
This forehead tattoo design is one of the most simple mandala designs that can be found and still has some great flair to it. The flair is created by each piece of the mandala being done in a simple hombre still of black and gray tones with a gradient look.
56. Black Tribal Lines Ear Face Tattoo
This body art is harder to make out what it is meant to be with its location being on the ear. The tattoo is made to go in and out of the different sections of the ear and is all done in black. It is a bunch of random black lines.
57. Dreamcatcher Broken Heart Berry Face Tattoo
The main body art that can be seen is a berry branch with bold blue berries shown with some golden brown leaves behind them. Otherwise, there is a simple broken heart outline. The last body art is a dreamcatcher that is hidden in the hair and not fully visible through the hair.
58. Simple Cat Eyebrow Sketch Face Tattoo
This body art is a very small one that has a very cartoon style to it. The tattoo is a simple cat outline that is located right on the eyebrow like it is sitting there. The cat has exaggerated features giving it the look of being very cartoon-inspired without any flair.
59. Simple Orange Black Butterfly Face Tattoo
This is a simple butterfly face tattoo that still has plenty of details to it. It is done in simple orange and black tones, which makes it look simple yet still stand out. The butterfly is done right on the temple and looks like it is flying towards the eye.
60. Selective Color Floral Berries Face Tattoo
This tattoo is very floral in nature and done in some very somber tones. While most of it is done in hombre tones of black, there are also dark hombre tones of red. The black is used on a flower and its leaves while the red is used on berries.
60 Unforgettable Face Tattoo Ideas
Tattoos are always going to be a statement piece no matter where they are placed because they are pertinent and not always easy to cover up (although laser tattoo removal can be an option). Now, the placement of the tattoo can say a lot, and as it was discussed above, a face tattoo can make a large impact, even just a temporary face tattoo. They are something that is basically impossible to cover and is always on display. They stand out the most compared to other tattoos as they are still not very popular and accepted though they are gaining in popularity. It is always important though that a person gets the right tattoo, not to mention tattoo artists.